The western side of the Cap is to me even more beautiful, with the cliffs and beaches and green (even in the dead of winter) countryside. The gates shown here are famous in the way they are constructed, apparently only found in Normandy. Along the road overlooking the water of La Manche, I stopped to take some pictures (Nez de Jobourg is the outcropping shown here) and happened upon a man exercising his horse on the beach. The island you can see in the background of this picture is probably Alderney.
In late 2006 Daniel and Cindy moved from the United States to Normandy, France. They hope to make the most of their time in France, to learn and to experience as much as possible before they return to the U.S. The purpose of this blog is to share their European experiences with family and friends.
1 comment:
C'est belle! I hope you are both doing well. Keep posting!
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