After our big trip with the O’Malley’s, we settled down for a couple of weeks and only went as far as England. We took the ferry across the Channel and enjoyed Pentecost weekend with friends in London. The young adults there are a very international group! Here (below) at this Indian restaurant, is represented England, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Germany, Nigeria, and the U.S. On the left you see the fast boat we took from Cherbourg to Portsmouth. I didn’t take a lot of pictures in the UK, because it was cloudy and rainy the whole time. It felt strange speaking English again (to people
around us) after so much French and Spanish!
Back home, it was really warming up. The wind stopped and the sun came out and we enjoyed some beautiful weather for Vauville. Good weather for hiking, and for our first BBQ! Bill Johnson from Asheville, NC happened to be in Europe and came by to see us. We enjoyed his company for a weekend. He was determined to get some pictures of the sheep for his kids back home! Yes, that’s a Mercedes he’s standing on to get that shot…We took a 5.5 km walk out to Goury (tip of our peninsula, with a lighthouse and rescue station) followed by wading in the Channel, and enjoyed a sunset dinner on the Nez Jobourg.